As some know I'm going through my 4th battle with Hodgkin's and the added bonus of Kidney Cancer at the same time. Although I don't use this blog as my main *spot*. I wanted to leave a reminder that cancer research is needed for many of the lesser known types of Cancer.
In the coming months I will be selling two custom ribbons to support Lymphoma & Pancreatic Cancer research Duane Duane(PreppyDude™) Hodgkin's/ Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Ribbon Kate(StreamingAir)Pancreatic Cancer Ribbon
I'm lucky enough to be friends with one of the coolest and yet smartest women on the planet. She asked her friends to promote this video and so I shall
It's not that I don't love you anymore it's just that my thoughts are far less charming as of late. I will still use you for the occasional YouTube video or random silliness but my thoughts have a new home.
From the files of if I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed it.
In the old days, if you bought sheet music you would get a snippet or preview of another song or two on the back page. Not ground breaking news, I know.
Anyhoo, on the back of a piece of music from 1936 was this lovely ditty Click on picture for larger image
Who doesn't love the coming of fall but every September it greets me with a heavy heart. This September will be the fifth year since my friend Val's passing. I borrowed an excerpt from one of her memorials ... "Valerie demonstrated a grace and strength that astounded those of us
who knew her. In the face of countless treatments, devastating
setbacks, and endless side effects, she refused to let her disease
stand in her way. Whether traveling, spending time with her friends and
family, or working, she gave her all and dreamed of the future. Even
after her death in 2002, Valerie inspired us to enjoy every moment of
I couldn't say anything more eloquent or tell a story that would help those who know her remember the good times. I'll just honor her in the way we talked about before her passing. All of her family members and close friends were given a portion of her ashes. They've been spread all over the world and I plan to spread my portion this year in a special place.
I had a good cleansing cry that I've probably needed to do for awhile now and I wanted to share a song that she loved. Fortunate for me this isn't a video blog or you'd see how scary I look after my water works get started.
As Cat would always say to her..."cheers, Broadway Bitch".
I'm outside walking Mr Freckles and this raccoon starts to give him all kinds of
shit from a semi-low tree branch. So, Mr Freckles jumps up and snatches his
ass from the tree. What part of the animal world education did this
freaking raccoon miss out on? You talk trash to animals that can kill
you from a HIGH point in the tree.
This leads to me yelling *drop the raccoonya goofy mutt* at the
top of my lungs while looking like a supreme idiot to all of my fru-fru neighbors
My name is Duane, I'm a dork and this is my life...
Bone Marrow Biopsy finished. Lot's of drugs = not as painful as earlier B.M.B.'s Stealth photo of the *Bubble Boy* room where they did the procedure Via myMoto Q-Black semi-smart phone